Saturday, 4 October 2008
tambah lagi
Sunday, 7 September 2008
Dilema nya....
Sempena Ramadhan Al-Mubarak..selamat pose pada sume..baru-baru ni saya sekeluarga balik kampung sempena awal ramadhan..ramai gile pasal suma balik ..hari ahad 31 ogos..kami buat pasang pipe untuk sprinkler..untuk siram rumput napier la.lotih la jugak..MERDEKA dgn kambing hehe..
Sebelah malamnye pulok, kami anak beranak berkumpul membincangkan satu masalah negara..di mana tanah tanah di kampung ini akan di ambil kerajaan untuk projek keretapi rel berkembar..banyak jugak la tanah yang kena termasuk la tanah orang tua saya..abih la..mana pulak la nak tinggal...kambing pun terkena la tempias nya..kena relocate belaka..dilema ni..raya nak dekat plak tuhh
sakit pala la abah..adam tido dulu le ye..camno nak balik kampung pasni ??
Wednesday, 2 July 2008
Bila Izrail Datang Memangil...
Saya telah dimaklumkan oleh bapa saya melalui sms, bahawa seekor kambing betina Ettawah yang di bawa masuk pada bulan Januari 2008 telah 'selamat'. Sebelum ini, kambing tersebut telah tergolek dog di dalam kandangnye (mei/jun) dan tak bleh bangun. Atas sebab keselamatan, ia dialihkan ke kandang lama. Keadaan nye selepas tu improved, bleh bangun, bleh makan dan bleh bersilat dan bleh mcm mcm la. Muskil sungguh la penyakit kambing ni. Mungkin ini bukan rezeki kami. Ayah saya mempunyai analisis tersendiri. Mengikut kata ayah saya, "kambing ni dah tuo la". Mati sakit tua kot.....
Saturday, 21 June 2008
Monday, 12 May 2008
Lamo eh tak update ??
Wednesday, 2 January 2008
Kambing Kiko
General characteristics
The primary characteristic of the Kiko goat is its hardiness and its ability to achieve substantial weight gains when run under natural conditions without supplementary feeding. In addition, the female is capable of conceiving, carrying and giving birth to and rearing multiple offspring without intervention under less than ideal conditions. The Kiko is an aggressive forager capable of thriving under conditions of feed deprivation and any characteristic which detracts from its ability to range and forage should be severely penalized.
A strong head with bold expression. A moderate forehead lets down into a well proportioned nose, neither convex nor concave. Nostrils wide with slight flare. Eyes generally brown with alert expression. Eye color other than brown should not be penalized. Mouth well formed with tight lips over well fitting jaws: slight undershot permissible as an aid in browsing. Horns well spaced, strong and solid with characteristic outwards sweep.
Mature males display a distinctive shallow spiral in horn conformation. Horns may be cropped in animals greater than twelve months without penalty. Ears comparatively set high and of medium breadth and moderate length, not pendulous. Prick ears undesirable.
Characteristic culling faults
Concave or convex face.
Roman nose.
Overshot jaw.
Excessively undershot jaw so that teeth are visible.
Horns tightly swept back, too close together, touching the neck or too straight
Parrot mouth.
Neck and forequarter
Neck medium in length and well proportioned relative to body capacity: full and well muscled and flowing into forequarter. Shoulder well laid and well muscled with tight attachment. Fore chest prominent and strong but in proportion to body size. Front legs strong with good shoulder angulation - length from wither to elbow should approximate length from elbow to ground. Pasterns strong with well formed hooves.
Characteristic culling faults
Neck too long or too thin.
Bull neck.
Loose shoulders.
Body long, broad and compact. Ribs well sprung and of moderate length displaying good girth. Loins long and well fleshed. Back strong and reasonably straight.
Characteristic culling faults
Excessively short back.
Slab sides.
Rump broad and flat without severe slope. Thighs well fleshed to the hock. Hocks well angulated. Tail straight and mobile.
Characteristic culling faults
Steep or short rump.
Straight hocks.
Poorly fleshed thighs.
Legs and feet
Strong and well placed indicating endurance and agility. Legs should be parallel, well angulated and turn neither in nor out. Strong hocks and pasterns. Hooves neatly formed with pronounced interdigital division. Any condition of the hoof which affects the animal's ability to move freely should be severely penalized.
Characteristic culling faults
Forelegs turning in or out.
Cow hocks or sickle hocks.
Poor rear angulations.
Dropped pasterns.
Any abnormality of the hoof.
Skin and coat
Smooth supple skin which is neither too tight nor too loose. Some dewlap may be evident in mature males and should not be penalized. Skin may be pigmented or not but darker skin is to be preferred. The coat may vary according to climatic conditions and there is a marked variation between summer and winter coats. Coat may vary from short, slick and lustrous to moderately profuse hair: the former is to be preferred but the latter should not be penalized. Some down appearing in the coat is permissible. Wattles occasionally appear and should not be penalized. The predominant coat color is white which is desirable but any other color is equally permissible.
Characteristic culling faults
Reproductive organs
Males: testicles even sized and well formed. Scrotum ideally undivided, compact and held high. Sheath neat and accessible.
Females: udder well formed, moderately capacious and well attached. Two well placed, medium sized, functional teats with adequate orificies. Non-functional supernumerary teats should not bre penalized.
Characteristic culling faults
Divided scrotum.
Small testicles.
Pendulous scrotum.
Loose sheath.
Split udder.
Pendulous udder.
More than two functional teats.
Poor udder attachment.
Either sex:
Size and appearance
A medium to large animal displaying the ability to produce meat. Mature animals tend to be square with the height of the animal from the wither to the ground approximating its length from the wither to the root of the tail. The fore chest should reach the elbow of the foreleg. Males are distinctively larger than females and each sex unmistakably displays the characteristics of its gender.
Characteristic culling faults
Excessive leg length.
Insufficient size.
Masculine females.
Feminine males.
Tuesday, 1 January 2008
Selamat Tahun Baru 2008 !!
Selamat menyambut tahun baru 2008..Sempena tahun baru ni mari la kita ramai² berusaha menjadikan perniagaan sebagai sumber pendapatan dan mari mengenali kambing pedaging jenis Boer. Tengah hangat di pasaran penternak kat Malysian ni...
Ramai dikalangan kita memilih untuk dapatkan kambing boer yang paling berkualiti. Namun tidak semua mengenali generasi-generasi boer. Mari kita lihat beberapa tips untuk mengenali baka boer terbaik sebagai contoh ternakan kita.
Boer Full Blood (FB)
Ini adalah generasi kambing boer yang dibawa daripada Afrika Selatan. Badan tegap, kaki depan lebih panjang sedikit daripada kaki belakang. Ekor melentik. Warna kambing boer tulen keseluruhan kemerah-merahan atau hitam. FB juga terdapat dalam pelbagai warna dan struktur fizikal. agak sukar untuk menentukan Kambing boer yang asal (original boer). Oleh itu, nasihat saya pada penternak supaya mengenalpasti boer FB berdasarkan sijil kelahirannya (born certificate).
Bukan hanya sijil kelahiran boer yang menjadi pengesahan dan bukti ketulenan boer. Tetapi ilmu juga penting supaya kita tidak tertipu. Jadi berhati-hati dalam memilih boer yang berkualiti.
Kambing liar Australia. Petani di sana menangkapnya disekitar hutan dan menjualnya ke seluruh dunia terutamanya Malaysia. Di Indonesia mereka juga memanggil kambing ini sebagai Kambing Kachang kerana ia telah lama dibawa masuk ke Indonesia dan berbercampur-gaul dengan kambing tempatan. Namun kambing ini di Indonesia tidak berbulu lebat ini membezakanNya dengan Feral Australia.
Boer F1
Boer FB jantan yang di kacukkan dengan kambing feral betina yang berwarna putih. Menghasilkan boer F1berwarna putih keseluruhan dan bentuk badan masih bercirikan feral.
Boer F2
Boer FB dikacukkan denga boer F1 menghasilkan boer F2. Ciri-ciri utamanya ialah kepala berwarna coklat tetapi agak kabur warnanya. Bentuk badannya juga masih kurang ciri-ciri boer yang berkualiti.
Boer F3
Boer F3 adalah kacukan antara boer FB dengan boer F2. Ciri-ciri utamanya ialah kepala berwarna coklat kemerah-merahan. Bentuk badan menyerupai kambing boer FB. Kualitinya sangat baik dan banyak dibawa masuk ke Malaysia.
Boer F4
Begitu juga boer F4. Ia juga merupakan kacukan antara boer FB dengan F3. Kepalanya berwarna coklat lebih gelap berbanding boer F3. Keseluruhan kepalanya coklat kemerah-merahan dan kehitam-hitaman. Bentuk badan menyerupai kambing boer FB juga.
Boer Purebred (F5 - F7)
Kacukan ini memperlihatkan pengaruh gen boer yang kuat. Secara keseluruhannya, kelihatan boer purebreed hampir sama dengan boer FB. Cuma terdapat tompok-tompok putih atau tompok-tompok coklat di badannya. Warna coklat kemerah-merahan bukan hanya terdapat di kepala tetapi turut terdapat di badan. Boer generasi ini juga sangat berkualiti untuk dijadikan baka (pejantan).